How Can We Treat Edentulous Patients?
Patients with no teeth need a prosthetic that is going to restore their mouths biological function of chewing and smiling. With someone losing all of there teeth often times other health factors that are present that make restoring someones mouth more difficult. Common factors that effect edentulous patients include:
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Excessive bone lose
- Osteoporosis
- Compromised immune (resistance) system
Evolution Dental Science has three different restoration options for your edentulous patients from full dentures to zirconia Roundhouse
“At Evolution Dental Science, we believe that everyones’ third set of teeth can be their favorite set.”

Full Denture
Dentures are the standard of care for patients with no natural teeth. EDS dentures are made using Ivocap acrylic and premium Vita teeth, to create an accurate and natural looking restoration.
- Improved ability to chew and bite
- Fewer eating restrictions
- Reduced Speech problems
- Fuller Facial appearance and smile
- Can be removed & cleaned
What To Consider
- When a patient loses there teeth the bone shrinks causing structural issues with the face. Good dentures attempt to fix this issue.
- The potential need for denture adhesives other time.
- Not fixed to any part of the mouth.
- Safest option for patients with health concerns.
Implant Stabilized Overdenture
Patients who are looking to more comfortable denture wearing experience, would love Evolution’s Implant Stabilized Dentures. Because the denture is stabilized on the implants, there is no need for acrylic on the palate. The Implants make a strong fixed connection. By using reattachable implants studs, your patient’s denture can be remove for easy cleaning.
This treatment option is ideal for individuals who can’t afford more restorative implant treatments but want a fixed smile that minimizes discomfort.
- Improved distribution of pressure when chewing compared to a full denture
- Open palate creates a more natural feel.
- No movement when speaking
- Can be removed for cleaning when you using proper studs
- Fixed appliances help restore patients previous lifestyle
What To Consider
- Many times flange of prosthesis can be removed but many times depending on attachment system and amount of attachments flange may be needed leading to patient discomfort.
- Most repairable option very forgiving if something may happen due to occlusal forces.

Stud Options
Locator, O-Rings, Rothermann, Zest Anchor, ZAAG, Preci-Ball, Sphero Post -
Bar Options
Preci-Bar, Hader Bar, Laser Weld Titamium Bars, Metal Riders for Hader/Round Bars

Screw Retained Hybrid Bridge
Considered to have the most beneficial yet most costly prosthesis for a edentulous patient, a hybrid bridge creates the most natural functionality and support for your patients.
- Variable material options leading to customized final solution.
- Highest utilization of CAD-CAM processes leading to most efficient and predictable outcome
- No substructure necessary, leading to conservative if any bone reduction.
- Maximum chewing forces due to fixed prosthesis
What To Consider
- Implant load must be evenly distributed and carefully planned so that superstructure is properly supported. Failure to do this can lead to breaking.
- Most costly process for everyone involved due to more expensive materials.